Programmable Thermostat Best Practices - Blue Frost Heating & Cooling

Programmable Thermostat Best Practices

Now that you’re spending more time at home due to COVID-19 and social distancing, you’re likely paying more attention than ever to your thermostat. Did you know that roughly 89 percent of homeowners claim that they rarely or never alter their thermostats for different weekday and weekend cycles? While you may not need to drastically change your thermostat right now because you’re spending so much time at home, it’s important to be aware of the benefits of how to properly program your thermostat. Keep these best practices in mind from our HVAC company serving Bartlett and surrounding areas.

Understand Your Thermostat

There are multiple types of programmable thermostats. Understanding which type you have can help you determine the best course of action for how to program it.

  • 1-week programming: This is the most basic type of programmable thermostat, as you can set it to run one cycle that repeats once per day.
  • 5-2 programming: Five weekdays and two weekend days is the breakdown of this thermostat cycle. If you have the same weekday and weekend routine week after week, this is an ideal cycle type for you.
  • 5-1-1 programming: This cycle is the same as 5-2 programming with the option to hold the third cycle for Sundays.
  • 7-day programming: This cycle is the most customizable as it allows for 7 different cycles, making this type of thermostat ideal for households that often change their routines.

Factor in Your Family’s Routine

Every family is different, so sticking to the factory settings on your programmable thermostat isn’t ideal. Consider the time of day that your family goes to bed, wakes up, and how much time is typically spent in the household on any given day. If you need assistance determining what schedule is best for your thermostat, our HVAC contractor in Bartlett can help!

During COVID-19, we are open and servicing homes that need emergency HVAC services. We are also offering $200 off our in-home Air Scrubber Plus by Aerus product. Please call us at (630) 444-0860 for more information.

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